Age group: 8—10 1/2 years old
Meet: Friday evening 6:30 – 8pm
Children who join our group as a wolf cub who is part of the pack. The pack is lead by the head wolf, Akela. Other leaders also have pack names from the Jungle Book. Cubs build on skills learnt at Beavers. The promise they take is more complex and there is now a simple law they promise to live by.
Cubs work in smaller groups called sixes. Teamwork is an important part of the ethos of the pack and each six has a leader and a deputy who are peer role models to the rest of the pack. Cubs start developing ideas of responsibility and self reliance through a range of indoor and outdoor activities.
The are over 30 activity badges which each child can work through during evening meetings or at home.
The top award a cub can achieve is the Chief Scout’s Silver Award. It consists of 7 badges, each of which has multiple tasks to complete it. The badges are Adventure, Outdoor, Skills, World, teamwork, Team leader and a personal challenge. This requires a good attendance to achieve each element and at least 3 nights away which can be under canvas or indoors.
The key to success is a variety of activities and challenges. If you have a skill and would like to share it with our young people, please get in touch with the section leaders who love to hear all ideas.
Contact us to find out more.